Naksha Dekho

Kitchen design

Do you want to understand the necessary aspects of kitchen parameters before starting the designing process?

If yes, then the primary approach which must be taken by every architect is to work on definitions of kitchen projects. Moreover, utilizing the available space of the kitchen area is possible according to the integration of various flows of process.

Furthermore, optimization is also an important calculation which must be done before initiating the styling of the kitchen area. However, kitchen architecture is dependent upon the modulation. So, the measurements of the various components of kitchen designing will set the appropriate definition to the whole house designing too.

Therefore, let’s focus on the immense number of key parameters which are considered vital for defining the general horizons of kitchen architecture.

Kitchen Sink Ansd Stove

What are the basic types of kitchen architecture distributions?

To begin with, the kitchen is firstly classified into the parameters of work space and flow space. So, the proportion of study is done which defines the general areas of kitchen architecture. Let’s have a glance at those necessary distributions of horizons.

  1. Pantry space: the space for storage of foods and goods.
  2. Storage space: where appliances, cookware and utensils are placed.
  3. Sink space: the cleaning area
  4. Preparation area: the space for working on for cooking purpose
  5. Cooking area: area where the stove and oven is placed.
  1. So, all these areas are combined together for preparing the meal in the kitchen with ease of access. Therefore, bringing efficiency in any of the possible ways would produce the high productivity and comfort if kitchen designing is done with planning.

What are the types of Kitchen designs?

The intended relation towards kitchen designing includes some primary types of styling. And, most common kitchen architectures are classified into two shapes as L and U.

These two types of kitchen styling correspond to the parallel lines. The configuration which is important to understand is based upon the flow of the kitchen.

The concept of “work triangle” must be smooth enough to avoid the unexpected movements while designing. Moreover, focusing on the points of how and why regarding the kitchen will also provide an additional sense to the modulation of the kitchen area.

Therefore, the development of floorings is accompanied with the binding of furnishings and appliances setup. However, the modulation process needs logic when designing is done with a clear view. And, providing the direction to incorporate the development of kitchen styling is needed also.


To cap it all, the design trends of kitchen areas are refined fairly for advanced development nowadays. Depending upon the hype, kitchen styling usually comes in the favor of innovations and ideas. Therefore, modern and contemporary kitchen architecture are relevant enough which helps to maintain every type of space in the house.

There are innovative ideas which can enhance the space of the kitchen and it would work excellently for the whole house architecture. Remember that doing the planning of a novel kitchen should be designed in an inventive manner. Therefore, thinking about the real achievement encourages the ways for creating your dream kitchen.